Support Your Pregnancy with Acupuncture

During pregnancy you’re filled with wonder and joy, but also with nausea, back pain, insomnia… It is hard work to grow a human! It’s also a time where you are […]

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Improving Your Fertility with Traditional Chinese Medicine

Spring has officially sprung, and we’re surrounded by signs of new life everywhere we look! Unfortunately, if you are struggling to become pregnant, all of that wonderful springtime growth can […]

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Eliminate Allergies with NAET

The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the tissues are flying. It’s finally spring! But that doesn’t mean it has to be the start of your allergy season. […]

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Nourish Your Liver for Spring with Acupuncture & TCM

We can feel it. Spring is in the air and warmer weather is finally just around the corner! Spring is a new beginning after a winter of rest. It’s the […]

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TCM Tips for Flowing from Winter into Spring

Holy weekly-snowstorms! Spring cannot get here fast enough! It’s time to open the windows, let in the sun and fresh air, and clean out the stale, winter air. Spring is […]

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