By Danisha Bogue, L.Ac. - June 17, 2024
Categories: General

Hey there, stress bunnies and sleep monsters! Feeling like your internal Qi is about as balanced as a toddler on a sugar high? Well, fret no more, because we’re here to delve into the fascinating world of Traditional Chinese Medicine aromatherapy!

I know you might not hear “Traditional Chinese Medicine” and immediately think of aromatherapy (we do love our needles and herbs!), but we also embrace the power of smell! Think of it as a super chill way to address imbalances and nudge your mind and body back into harmony. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine Aromatherapy

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything revolves around the concept of Qi, which is basically your body’s energy flow. When Qi gets blocked or imbalanced, it can throw off everything from your mood to your health. This is where essential oils, extracted from plans with unique therapeutic properties, come in. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine aromatherapy focuses on using these oils to influence different meridians in your body – those invisible highways where Qi travels. By inhaling the scent or applying diluted oils topically (with carrier oils, always!), you can help regulate qi flow and promote overall well-being. 

Calming Chaos with Scents

So, what kind of chaos can aromatherapy tame? Here’s a quick sniff test: 

  • Feeling stressed? Lavender, sandalwood, and chamomile can help you unwind and de-stress. Inhale deeply and imagine yourself chilling on a beach somewhere (minus the sunburn, of course). Think of these oils as your personal de-frazzle button. 
  • Sleepless Nights? Can’t seem to turn off your brain? Try calming oils like clary sage or vetiver. Diffuse them in your bedroom for a slumber-inducing aroma. Sweet dreams guaranteed.
  • Upset Stomach? Feeling a rumble in your tummy? Ginger and peppermint essential oils can help soothe digestion. Just a whiff can be enough to ease nausea or indigestion. Think of them as your digestive system’s personal cheerleaders. 
  • Head Full of Fog? Rosemary and eucalyptus can help improve circulation and mental clarity. Inhale deeply and imagine your brain doing a happy dance (because happy brains are productive brains!)

Beyond the Basics: A Tailor-Made Approach

Traditional Chinese Medicine aromatherapy goes way beyond this basic sniff test. Your Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner can assess your individual needs and advise you on specific blends to support your health journey! 

Here are some additional benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine aromatherapy: 

  • Boosts Immunity – Certain essential oils, like tea tree and eucalyptus, have natural antiseptic properties that can help support your immune system.
  • Promote Emotional Well-being – Aromatherapy can be a powerful tool for managing emotions. For instance, bergamot oil known for its uplifting properties, while jasmine can help ease anxiety. 

Remember: Not all oils are created equal

Before you go on a sniffing spree at the nearest health food store, here’s a heads-up: Not all essential oils are created equal. Some can be quite potent, so it’s important to do your research and dilute them properly with carrier oils like almond or jojoba if you’re using them directly on your skin. And some essential oils can be toxic to pets, so be sure to double check before using them in your diffuser!

Here are a few things to keep in mind when buying essential oils: 

  • Quality is Key: Look for brands that prioritize quality and source their oils from reputable growers. Avoid anything labeled “fragrance oil” – these are synthetic substitutes and won’t have the same therapeutic benefits. 
  • The Label Lowdown: The label is your best friend here. Make sure it includes the following: 
  • Botanical Name: This is the scientific name of the plant, ensuring you’re getting exactly what you think you are.
  • Plant Part: Different parts of the plant can yield different oil properties. For example, clove bud oil is more potent than clove leaf oil. 
  • Extraction Method: Steam distillation is the preferred method for most therapeutic-grade essential oils. 
  • Country of Origin: Certain regions are known for specific essential oils. For example, lavender oil from France is highly prized. 
  • The Price Whisperer: Generally, high-quality essential oils won’t be dirt cheap. If a price seems too good to be true, it probably is. 

Aromatherapy: Your New Zen BFF

So there you have it! Aromatherapy: a fun and fragrant way to support your well-being. It’s not a magic cure, but it can be a powerful tool that you can utilize alongside other Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments like acupuncture. So, next time you’re feeling a little off-kilter, grab an essential oil diffuser! Your inner zen master awaits! And remember, a little aromatherapy goes a long way in keeping your Qi happy and peaceful. 


Be well.



This information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or illness. Please consult your healthcare provider prior to the use of this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications or have a medical condition. Individual results may vary.